Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sick days

I have accumulated almost 90 sick days since i began teaching. Today I actually had to use a sick day for sickness...boy does that stink. I took a lick to my left eye on saturday while picking up limbs. It must have been folded back like a whip because it slapped my eyeball so hard and so fast that I never saw it coming. I cried worse than a baby...more like a baby calf that has lost its mother. I could hear myself crying and I couldn't stop it...sobbing, sobbing, sobbing...sitting in the dark garage in a rocking chair crying.....I think 30 minutes or so went by and I finally stopped the sobbing and then just softly moaned and cried...still thinking i was blind ...i felt the moisture and looked to see and it wasn't blood. I finally got up the courage to barely, and I mean barely, lift my eyelid...i could see some light so i assumed i wasn't completely blind...but the pain was still there. I said at last 100 (1000) times that "my eye is killing me". No matter what I did the eye hurt...if i kept it shut...it hurt. if i opened it...it hurt....and whatever my right eye did the left eye did too...it just hurt. we had lunch, cut down more bushes, moved in a kitchen table and headed home from fulton. I looked like Mike Tyson when I woke up on sunday morning...my eye was puffed and glued shut. after i loosened it and looked at the redness i was a little scared again. only when i kept brushing away a gnat in my sewing room did I realize that there were some black floaters in my eye...I knew a gnat should not be in the sewing room....my eyeball felt much better on sunday afternoon...very little pain but still floaters everywhere...I still didn't realize the seriousness of this injury and went back to Fulton to make sure we locked up and cleaned up everything on saturday. one thing led to another and I sprayed the dock, pier ,gazebo with some weather proofer and did the upper decks with some stain and a roller. Slept good Sunday night, eye not as glued together on monday but still red as blood and still having floaters... After a hectic day at school with a conference on an unruly child, TST on a child that is repeating and just the stuff that goes on at school on a monday, i finally got to call the doctor...they worked me in at 2:40...The other part of that story is...the lady that helps with my class had a death in her family and was off so there was no one to watch the kiddos. worked out that another lady could come in and keep the kids for my conference, tst meeting and stayed through dismissal.

and just so you know...dennis said he has never seen or heard me cry like that in 33 years. I am thinking 52 years...

part two - visit to mothershed

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